The Explanation

Montage of bonobos, atoms ordering, man holding DNA and a free person

Professor Harry Prosen, former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, has said of Jeremy’s book FREEDOM: “This book of books, indeed this greatest of all books, effectively takes humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives. It is a case of having got all the truth up in one go! I believe this is the most sensational information to ever appear on planet Earth.”

Christoph was recognising how right Professor Prosen was in saying, “It is a case of having got all the truth up in one go!”, when he wrote: ‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, physiology or medicine and physics; actually every Nobel prize there is!’

Watch biologist Jeremy Griffith outline his core explanation of the human condition and explain how this transforming understanding ends all the suffering and conflict in the world.